This blog is documenting the most serious attempt I've ever made to get fit. P90X is 90 days of daily workouts banging around with dumbbells, chin ups, cardio, yoga and martial arts. Tony Horton runs the program and it's amazing. The key to this program is push play every day. You also have to eat right. I'm doing that for sure with a healthy, portion controlled mix of chicken, fish and beef. Supplements are part of the program too. I have a meal replacement shake in the morning and a protein recovery drink at night. Wish me luck and stay tuned by subscribing to my blog via the RSS feed in the toolbar at the top.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 90 pics

Ok - here are the long awaited Day 90 pics. I lost 15+ lbs, put on some decent mass as you can see. The legs also benefited. My calves are more defined, quads have more pop and my hamstrings are definitely stronger. Most people post the upper body only (as I did too), but P90X benefits the whole body, just as Tony designed it. Your Upper, Core, Legs, and Heart.

Other stats include improved blood pressure and resting heart rate. Last BP check I was 93 over 70 and my resting HR was 56.

I will take at least a week off and do about 3-4 runs this week to keep the juices flowing.

Thank you P90X and thank you to Kathy for all the support and putting up with my non-stop blabber about it!!

Bring It!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 89 - Yoga X

One more day kids. I know you are as excited as I am, but please contain yourselves. No need to start flipping or torching cars, looting Circuit Cities or Tire Stores. Save that for Detroit when the Celtics win in 6.

So here I am, on the Eve of the Final Day of P90X, Round 1. Seems like yesterday when I was eating my last Junk Food Lunch and Supper which consisted of Pizza (lunch) and Tortilla Chips + Fajitas the day before Day 1. I remember eating the Pizza and not really knowing what I was getting into...but I'll save the reflectoratory comments for Day 90. It's going to be pretty emotional around here tomorrow. The neighbors will be here, local press and media, and at least one of the three Gubernatorial candidates said they might stop by to make a statement as well.

Yoga was good and I hope you are too!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 86 + 87 + 88: Kenpo X, Rest Day, 3 mi. Run & Core Synergistics

Sounds like a boat load, huh? Cramming 3 days of activity on one post. Yah, cut me some slack on the Rest Day. I earned it.

Not a whole lot to report here. Same old deal - sweatin' it out doing the recovery week (final week of Phase III).

Big news here is I ran 3 mi. this morning in Memorial Park. Now I know 3 mi. isn't a lot, but for those of you that know me, this is a big deal. It has been about 5+ years since I've been able to run WITHOUT lower leg pain. Call it Shin Splints, Anterior Compartment Syndrome...whatever...I went to orthopedic surgeons, vascular specialists, accupuncture, massage therapy, physical therapy and even then finally a gait specialist. I checked for Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis and other ailments. Turns out my feet overpronated when I walked and I got fitted for carbon fiber inserts to correct the biomechanical issue. The two most important things (besides the orthotics), were core exercises and having the chief dr. of the Houston Marathon analyze my gait. When we reviewed the tape of me running on a treadmill, I was running slouched over, arms going side to side vs. front to back and my hips were not moving forward. What caused this? A WEAK CORE. Now, after 88 days of P90X, I knew I was ready to strap on the running shoes and make a go at it. I did a decent pace and ran the 3 miles with ZERO leg pain.

Being able to RUN again is Victory in itself.

Thank you Tony Horton for this amazing workout and all the motivation you've given me to GET FIT.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 84 + 85: Yoga, Legs, and Back

Double dose here. Nice to move the needle two days in one posting. Did Yoga on Sunday and the Legs/Back routine today.

Reminds me of a Neil Young song "Needle and the Damage Done" off the great Harvest album.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day 83 - Back, Biceps and Abs

You keep amazing yourself - even on day 83 of this crazy deal. That's what keeps it fresh and that my brother is what the X is for! Upped the weights on some bicep moves. The neighbors all showed up on my front porch afterwards because they wanted to see what the big show was about.

Personal best on the wide grip pull ups. Cranked out 7 of them. I guess when you drop 17 lbs and you start to have a back you could show a movie on, they tend to get a little easier. I do believe if I changed out the grips on my power tower (make them a bit smaller), I could crank out 10+.

Yoga X tomorrow. Bring It!

(quick nod to the River Oaks Theatre in Houston. One of the cooler film halls in town.)

Day 82 - Plyo

Killed it with Plyo today. By now, you all know the routine. It's 59 minutes of jump training. Pure DNA Removal is what it's about. Not many things get you this sweaty...not even waiting for the train at the 14th St. Station in August.

Finishing Strong.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 81 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Abs and Celtics

Making a fast break to the finish line with Day 81 in the books. Feeling strong and motivated to complete the Journey. Coincidentally, the Celtics won the 1981 NBA Championship by beating the Houston Rockets 4-2 in the finals. Of note, is that the LA Lakers LOST to the Houston Rockets 2-1 in the FIRST ROUND. That's Weak.

Go Celts.

De-moralize Kobe in the process.