This blog is documenting the most serious attempt I've ever made to get fit. P90X is 90 days of daily workouts banging around with dumbbells, chin ups, cardio, yoga and martial arts. Tony Horton runs the program and it's amazing. The key to this program is push play every day. You also have to eat right. I'm doing that for sure with a healthy, portion controlled mix of chicken, fish and beef. Supplements are part of the program too. I have a meal replacement shake in the morning and a protein recovery drink at night. Wish me luck and stay tuned by subscribing to my blog via the RSS feed in the toolbar at the top.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 22 - Core Synergistics

Tough workout. Toughest workout of the program so far. This is week four of the first month and supposed to be a "recovery week"...but when Tony introduces a new workout that I haven't done know it's going to feel like a rewind back to Day 1. Looking forward to trying this one again later in the week.

Ode to the Steam Engine invented by James Watt. This was one of the exercises I actually liked....the "Steam Engine"!

Keep pushing play. Bring it.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 21 - Power Yoga

Can you say "moving asanas"? Maybe. But can you Bring It? I did. Best yoga sesh since I started. Upward Dog was powerful and my knees were off the mat. Did all the warrior poses strong and balance poses held their own as well. It is you go through this program, you do get stronger and the exercises become more enjoyable...because you can do them!

Tomorrow is Day big deal! Let's Roll!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day Two-Zero!

Kickin' strong at Day 20 people! Tonight was Kenpo X and I was the street fightin' man once again. Brought it the whole workout and was drenched in sweat when the fightin' was done. Fell of the food wagon at lunch. It was Go Texan day today in honor of the Rodeo that starts this weekend. So what's that mean to all you non-Texans that follow this blog? Cowboy Clothes at work and BBQ for the peeps. Authentic Burns Barbecue from Houston and it was goooood. That's my cheat for the week.

I think this next week is "Recovery" week - lots of cardio and core.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 19 - Legs, Back, Abs

Day 19 and I feel like a champ. Not a chump, a champ. Worked the legs hard with Tony and the gang. Wall squats - gotta love em - don't loathe em! This workout is more about the legs because the only back exercises you do are the pullups. Getting stronger in that department. Still using the blue ball. Dinner was chicken and asparagus. Ate great today and am on track to make this a hardcore diet week like I said I would do on Sunday. I think the worst food I had this week was a few pieces of peanut brittle - not gonna kill ya!

Tomorrow is Kenpo X. Looking forward to the sweat. Bring it on!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 18 - Yoga X and a Haircut

Not sure what I was thinking, but it had been about 7 or 8 weeks since my last haircut. Got that squared away and ready to look normal again.

On to Yoga X - Day 18 - and I brought it. Felt so much stronger than last week. The moving asanas were great and I stayed right with the program. The balance poses felt great too. Today's session really gets me excited for next week when I'll be in recovery week and will do Yoga twice.

No pic on today's post. Gotta keep it simple once in awhile.

See you tomorrow. Legs, Back, Abs, Bring It.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 17 - Shoulders / Arms / Ab

OK, yesterday was the first day I did not push play. Instead, Kathy and I went out to a tight hip hop show performed by Jay Z. He is the shot caller of em all. Figured that Jay Z was a good enough excuse as any so I done take it.

Tonight! Shoulders / Arms / Ab. Still feeling tired from last night and my left shoulder is mildly tweaked....but I worked hard and felt decent. I opted out of the bonus round just to give my left shoulder a break...and then went right into ab ripper x. Getting better here folks. Can do a lot of the exercises now - so i expect by the end of the program, I will be in good ab form to do most if not all.

See you tomorrow. Yoga X is on the menu and I need to make sure I bring it for 90 minutes!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 16 - Plyometrics

Day 16 came and I brought it. For those new to the program, or this blog, Plyometrics is Jumping Exercises. Tony gives you no break and no sympathy as he works you through about 30 + exercises one after the other...He calls it the "other of all P90X workouts". Glad it's over for today. Now I can finish eating this 5 egg white chicken scramble I got myself into.

Losing Weight and Feeling Great.

Bring it!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 15 - Chest and Back

Following up on yesterday's guarantee that I was going to Bring It today has been realized. I adjusted how I was doing my pullups with the blue ball stabilizer to make it a bit more difficult and isolated. Looking forward to getting 5-10 pullups without any assistance down the road! Did Ab Ripper too...the front of the program is getting a bit easier for me...but like this whole program, it's about getting stronger and I know that I will be mastering the exercises as I chip away at the stone. That's the deal for today - Chip away the Stone!

Keep it real peeps. Thankin' ya for all your support!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 14 - Stretch X (and a few Thin Mints)

This is where the dedication starts to bleed. I pressed play on an optional day of Rest or Stretch. Stretch X is 60 minutes of X-Like stretching. Worked the spine, glutes, neck, forearms, and everything inbetween. Today I fell off the wagon at work and attacked a half-sleeve of Thin Mints and people started to run. Other than that, I felt great and got a good stretch on tonight. Tomorrow is Chest and Back and I'm going to BRING IT. You'll read about it here....but one entry UP.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 13 - Kenpo X my Streetfightin' on again and felt strong. Excellent Cardio Blast lots of kicks, blocks, knees to thugs foreheads and all that. All good. Reminds me of...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 12 - Legs and Back

Decent workout. Got the leg burn and did decent on the pullups with the Big Blue Ball as the force de stabilizer. Had Ab Ripper X for dessert. I hate it, but I love it!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 11 - Yoga sucked

OK - Day 11 Yoga was not as good as Day 4 Yoga. I was tired and only did about 40 minutes of the routine. I was low on calories all day - there's my excuse!

Alright...Legs and Back with Ab Ripper X tomorrow night.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 10 - Shoulders and Arms

Got the Glam Muscles going tonight! Day 10 peeps. One day at a time - one foot in front of the other...just like Man on Wire. oh yeah...if you haven't seen that movie (my favorite movie of 2008) - rent it. Even Colin Cowherd thought it was great if yah don't trust my word.

Change is good people. Keep it X Like!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 9 - Plyometrics

Happy Valentines Day to my baby! I strapped on the Plyo today and jumped around for about an hour. I wanted to get my workout done in the am so there would be a better chance of recovery for tomorrow at work. If you are a keen follower of this adventurous journal, then you will remember that I was going to have wheelchair ramps and toilet handles put in at work to accomodate my limited range of motion and mobility.
Staying positive - feeling great - pushing play every day.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 8 - Full circle on the Deal...back to disc 1. Chest / Back / Ab Ripper X. Still feelin' good. It's P90X. It's the right thing, it's the smart thing. Bring it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 6 People...and gettin' my Street Fightin' on with Kenpo X. Change is good...I like Change...that's what the X is for. Lots of kicks, jabs, uppercuts and other not-so-childsplay. Day 6 also means no junk food and no foreign substances. That's right. No Foreign Substances, no Class D - nothin'.. - straight P90X.

Bring It.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 5 - Legs and Back. Lots of crazy lunges in all different directions. Wall squats are tough - but dig the burn. Put myself on the freight scale in the warehouse today...looks like i've dropped 2 lbs and down to a svelte 182. Been eating right...I walk by cookies in the supermarket and have nearly convinced myself that an apple at lunch tastes better than potato chips. Know what I'm sayin? BRING IT!

Monday, February 8, 2010

OK -today was Day 3. I got my Plyo on yesterday - which is a lot of jumping and kicking, running tires, etc. 50 minutes of sheer cardio impact. Been eating RIGHT. Tonight was shoulders and arms...then a protein shake and some chicken and grilled zuchinni.

Sore as Hell. Could barely walk today. Need to make sure my office is ADA Compliant. (American Disabilities Act).

It's the right thing - It's the smart thing.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

P90X - Day 1 Pics - Bring it!

So I started P90X yesterday...Feb 6, 2010. Got 90 days to kill the muffin top, get lean and lose about 10 lbs. Here are some pics that show the current deal.

You also have to eat I did the Whole Foods deal yesterday got it going. First 30 days are heavy on Protein and light on Carbs and Fats. I think I can do it if I keep the cookies out of the house.
So two days into the program I feel great....Let's Do This!