This blog is documenting the most serious attempt I've ever made to get fit. P90X is 90 days of daily workouts banging around with dumbbells, chin ups, cardio, yoga and martial arts. Tony Horton runs the program and it's amazing. The key to this program is push play every day. You also have to eat right. I'm doing that for sure with a healthy, portion controlled mix of chicken, fish and beef. Supplements are part of the program too. I have a meal replacement shake in the morning and a protein recovery drink at night. Wish me luck and stay tuned by subscribing to my blog via the RSS feed in the toolbar at the top.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 32 - Back, Biceps, Abs

Day 32 in the Journey people. Great workout on the 6x6 mat. Did y'all know that the benefits of P90X can all be realized on a 6' x 6' mat? This is what makes the program great. No commute to the lousy gym...means you save cash and time...and that's what the X is for!

Back and Biceps feel great...and I did pretty good on the Ab Rip too.

Just knocked down some grilled Chicken, spinach and a protein shake. Tell me that's not sweet and i'll take you to the gun show!!

Be Good and Bring It!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 31 - Plyo

Plyo was the deal today. Jump Squats, Airborne Heismans, Rock Star Hops...all the kids were doin' it!

It feels good and even though I rewound the clock a little on the day count, it's still about getting lean and in shape, no matter what day you're on. Who's counting anyway?

Bring It or Get out of the Way!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Day 30 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Ab Ripper X


Back home and tore it up good tonight. Decided to rewind the clocks back to Day 30 and started off with Chest....Ab Ripper. I got home yesterday afternoon and love the fact that I feel no jet lag.

Back in the Discipline Mode. Keeping it Lean. Keeping it Real. Bring on the X-Factor America!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 30 - ?

Not sure what day to put down. My plans to keep the X going got derailed by a few days. I was unable to put the X on in Hassi like I wanted. I did manage to get a decent Chest, Shoulders, Tri workout today in the gym here. Problem is your cabin room here is tiny and you can't drink the water. So what you have is a cramped little space and no place mix protein drinks and all that stuff. I'll get more workouts in before I get back to the US.

The desert is cool...but the camp is like a prison really. Nothing to do, no one likes living in Hassi and it's just a tough deal. I've enjoyed it - but the law of diminishing return is starting to accelerate.

Btw - eating crappy food - tastes good...but not lean and mean like we do it at Oak Ridge. Tomorrow I leave for Algiers for 2 days and then off to Aberdeen for a 4 day deal.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 37 - modified Back and Biceps

Did a modified workout today. No gym at the hotel and no place to use the bands to do "pull ups" i did the workout and when it called for Pull Ups, i did Push Ups. See the relation?

Decent workout. Didnt do Ab Ripper...I'm working on about 3 hours sleep and dont want to overdo it.

Tomorrow I fly out to Algiers at 840am. Early day. Need to get some rest.

Pics from the desert've already got Parliament and Big Ben from today. That's enough!

Day 36 - Plyo then Flyo

Sunday was Day 36 - I brought it to the game...then went Flyo to London for a one day lay before heading to the Big A. Now I sit in some shitty hotel room at Heathrow looking for a work out place to bring day 37.

Did the double decker bus thing around London today. Man is this place old. Got some wierd cats running around too. Even their meows have accents.

Tomorrow I bounce out to Algiers and continue the downward spiral for the next 2 weeks.

One note about London...I asked one of the guys from our office "Hey, just tell me what part of town the Clash played...and I'll take the Underground there". Response: Camden. Result: Some shitty looking neighborhood hawking tattoos and piercings every 7 meters. End Result: Get the fcuk outa there...seen that stuff already.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 35 - Chest, Shoulders, Tri's + Ab Ripper X

I hate skipping days on the blog - even if yesterday was the so-called "Rest Day". OK - today was what we thought it was - Chest, Shoulders, Tri's and Ab Ripper. Felt great...did more pushups than last time. Got the pump going and man is it glorious.

Tonight we are celebrating Kathy's birthday - dinner at Stella Stolla and then a Hitchcock play called 39 Steps.

Tomorrow is Plyo and then I head to Algeria for a week and then a few days in Aberdeen. Back on the 28th. P90X will be well represented in the Desert and the Kingdom!!

Work Hard and Bring It!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 33 - Kenpo X

Street Fightin again. Leg kicks were great and the whole deal got me drenched. I was curious how many calories I burned so I googled it...probably about 400-500 calories. Not bad. I think I'll need to improve the monitoring of my calorie intake vs. outtake. I'm consuming very little fat in my diet.

Lean Shake in the am : 2g fat / 300 calories
Protein bar: 6g fat / 200 calories
Chicken breast
Lean shake in the afternoon: 200 calories
Atlantic Salmon
Protein Shake - 220 calories


Still at 170 lbs. Want to get to 165 in next 27 days.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 32 - Legs and Back

A Calorie Deficit was the entry point to tonights workout. Don't go through that door again! I struggled through a few of the rounds...namely the one legged wall squats. I think I chose to sit in a chair during that one and catch my breath.

Still on track and ready for the Street Fight tomorrow. I will also tack on Ab Ripper X tomorrow since I bagged it tonight.

Day 33 is tomorrow and I'm going to Bring It!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 31 - Yoga X

Back to Yoga people...and it is awesome. Made a few adjustments in the poses tonight because Tony told me to and it works. You have to understand that part of P90X is doing what Tony tells you to do, and then more. That's what the X is for!

Ok - so I'm having my protein shake now, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a pic of the magic soy powder!

Here's how I make it, as documented in Mike's P90X Hot Tips guide:

In Blender
3 Ice Cubes
1 part skim milk / 1 part cold water
1 or 1/2 a Banana or 4 Strawberries
Add Magic Powder after it's mixed up a bit (ice is chopped)

It's Glorious!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day XXX - Back, Biceps, Abs

Thought I'd Mix it up X STYLE tonight with the Roman homage to the number and a certain Emporer. Back, Biceps was the main course and Ab Ripper X for dessert. Still feel strong...but how about doing a gd pullup on your own please!

Tomorrow is the Yoga X deal...90 minutes of Indian Pleasure.

Meanwhile, say hello to Hadrian, the 14th Emporer of Rome.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 29 - Backstage

Here's a snapshot of my progress over the past 29 days. Got to remember that this is a marathon, and not a sprint. I like the progress so far!

Day 29 - Plyo

Strapped into the Jump Program again. 58 minutes of high impact cardio blast. Feeling great and I hope you are too. Day 29 pics coming later today.

Shed the Fat, people!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 28 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Phase two is in full effect. Back to the weights and pushups today - I'ma gonna be sore tomorraw! This is what is great about go through Phase One to get your body ready for the more advanced rigors of Phase Two and so on. The pushup variation today was great. Who knew there were so many versions of one of the most simple exercises known to man. For all we know, cavemen may have been doing some of the pushups I was doing today...cuz you know hunting saber tooth tigers was not a trip to Whole Foods!

Be Good People! Keep Pushing Play and Bring It!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 27 - Rest

Chose to push Rest vs. Play today. Need to store strength for tomorrows new Chest, Shoulders, Triceps workout. Tomorrow is day 28 and marks the first 4 weeks of P90X. Pics coming soon. Feeling great. Keep Pushing Play!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 26 - Yoga X

Last routine of the final week of the first month of P90X. Tomorrow is Rest Day and then Sat I dive right into Phase Two of the three month P90X training. I did well tonight...was running out of calories toward the end, but I found more on the mental side to finish pretty strong. Back to weights on Saturday. Looking forward to the pump again and I know you all are too. See you Saturday...but if I press play tomorrow night for X-Stretch...then I'll see you Friday.

Bring It X Style!!

btw, Chair Pose is awesome...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 25 - Core Synergistics

This workout felt much better this time. Always gotta get that 1st one under the belt and then the 2nd time around, you can focus on getting in the groove and really work the core. By the way, today I wore some suitpants that I had my drycleaner take out about 2 mos. ago. I threw them through the drive-through window and told the girl to "take them out as much as you can...I don't know what's going on".

Today, I could probably fit the New Phone Book between the pants and and my backside. What's going on now!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 24 - X Stretch

Rubber Band Man Time. Got the Stretch on. Muscles say thank you. I say you're welcome. Tomorrow is Core Synergistics, the most evil workout of them all.

Evel in a Good way that is.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 23 - Kenpo X

More "Recovery Week" with the Kenpo routine. Left shoulder felt a little dead, but powered through the deal. Short blog tonight. I know you all look forward to reading the daily report. Tomorrow is stretching, so don't expect much til Thursday when I get Yoga routine under my belt again. Maybe you can use the time you save from reading this entry to looking at the pics and older posts to see the progress of P90X.

Gotta run, the infomercial people are calling me...