This blog is documenting the most serious attempt I've ever made to get fit. P90X is 90 days of daily workouts banging around with dumbbells, chin ups, cardio, yoga and martial arts. Tony Horton runs the program and it's amazing. The key to this program is push play every day. You also have to eat right. I'm doing that for sure with a healthy, portion controlled mix of chicken, fish and beef. Supplements are part of the program too. I have a meal replacement shake in the morning and a protein recovery drink at night. Wish me luck and stay tuned by subscribing to my blog via the RSS feed in the toolbar at the top.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 90 pics

Ok - here are the long awaited Day 90 pics. I lost 15+ lbs, put on some decent mass as you can see. The legs also benefited. My calves are more defined, quads have more pop and my hamstrings are definitely stronger. Most people post the upper body only (as I did too), but P90X benefits the whole body, just as Tony designed it. Your Upper, Core, Legs, and Heart.

Other stats include improved blood pressure and resting heart rate. Last BP check I was 93 over 70 and my resting HR was 56.

I will take at least a week off and do about 3-4 runs this week to keep the juices flowing.

Thank you P90X and thank you to Kathy for all the support and putting up with my non-stop blabber about it!!

Bring It!!


  1. I like the new blog color scheme, and I love the new you! Congratulations baby!!! I am so proud of you.

  2. FREAKING RIPPED! I'm getting wood.
